Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sometimes the Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree and It's a Bad Thing

You know what really grinds my gears? Ha, okay I did have to have one Family Guy reference in here somewhere. But what really grinds my gears are smart-ass teenagers and adolescents that think they don't need to respect their elders. Growing up, I heard it, "your generation doesn't respect their elders." Well okay, maybe we didn't help mow your lawns or help you cross the streets but, fuck me, look at kids today. I have to pick up my little brother from school (Junior High School or Middle School whatever it is) and these little shit kids run along side your car and try to make fun of you. Why do they do that? Because they know there is nothing you can do about it, "my daddy will sue you if you do anything about it." I may be a dork, but I know it isn't me because I see them doing it all over the place. Just one day I'd like to beat the fuck out of one of those kids, OH MAN specifically the ones at the movie theater that gather outside and talk shit to adults, to show them, "Yes indeed, if say something rude to or about my girlfriend when we are out on a date, I will throw the fuck down on you." I wouldn't even care about jail, just to be able to put the fear of God into these little shits would totally be worth it.

But where does this stem from? Well first off, have any of you played online video games? Well if you have, you will be able to witness unsupervised children with anonymity, and that terrifies me more than any doomsday theory out there. I hear them with their obnoxious high-pitched voices shouting out racial slurs, profanities, telling people to kill themselves in real life; where the fuck do these kids come from? And more over what the hell are these kids going to be like in 10 years, can you imagine being in a business meeting with one of these asswipes? I'll admit that adults usually aren't the greatest role models on these games but, I can handle an adult internet-toughguy but I've heard 8 and 9 year olds say things way worse than any adult I've ever played with. I know that maybe I'm being kind of unfair to the children that are pleasant to deal with, and if I ever meet one, I'll be sure to apologize formally.

But I'm not all talk, Bungie (creator of Halo 3), asked on their forums for any suggestions. I asked if they could make an adults only lobby because I play video games to unwind, not to babysit some suburban family's spoiled as shit kid while they have some wine tasting party or whatever the reason they don't show their kids any attention. Now, Bungie's customer service is made up of primarily retired comic book and sports card shop owners. You know the ones, they sell kids stuff but seem really surprised when the only people who patronize their stores are kids. They get really depressed at the way their life is going and eventually make you feel like they are doing you some kind of favor for having a shop where you can come and buy their many wares. And this right here is Bungie, they make a very good game, which I can't deny; but they really make you feel like you owe them something for them letting you buy their game. Well this douche responds to me, "That would be unfair to have separate lobbies or games for adults. Heh, and how would we even check anyway?" Figure it out bitch, it's your fucking game, I'm not paying to hear some kid screeching, "You're a fag, you suck, you got pwned, you're gay." Just a further proof that Bungie are elitist vajays; they actually made special cool looking armor called "Recon Armor"that according to their website, nobody but developers can have. That is some almost laughable shit, and then they post to say that they are sick of people asking for it, well no shit; It's flaming fucking armor, who wouldn't want that? Don't believe me scroll down to the bottom of this post . "We made an armor that's cool that nobody else can have it but me, because of everyone who picked on me in High School," fuck you Bungie.

But blaming video games is kind of a cop out, another thing that makes these kids think that the world is here to do them some kind of favor is the "entitlement parent." The entitlement parent, is the one that thinks just because they have kids, that they are somehow entitled to some kind of diplomatic immunity or some shit. Since I am unemployed, I have to pick my little brother up from school, I might have mentioned that before. But anyway, some parents just think they are above the law, that they need society to accommodate them because they are trying to support children. I remember while I was waiting one time, a lady blocks me into the parking spot with her Chevy Planet Destroyer, she says to me, "sorry, I'm just here to pick up my kids." What the fuck does she think I was there for? "Yeah, I was just hanging out, you know I could have rented a paddle boat on the lake, or maybe go to an amusement park, but I finally decided on a crowded junior high school parking lot in my 108 degree fucking sauna car." Then this other time this dickface parks so close to me while I was in my car I couldn't open the door, and he swung the tail of his car at an angle so I couldn't even drive away before him. So I am literally trapped in my car, I know it's unlikely but if I needed to get out for an emergency or even to use the bathroom I couldn't. I was so stuck that if something started on fire (okay, yeah so that is kind of a reach) but I couldn't even wedge the door open. It's one thing when the weather gets bad and all the parents get to leave early, while all the single people need to stay and work, but why the fuck do they think that I have to wait for them to be done with their errand before I can leave my car? I know procreation is a miracle and a blessing from God and whatever; but that doesn't make you more important than anyone else, I'm sorry that's just the way it goes. I also remember in class where we had a scenario where there is room for 4 people and there is 6 of us who need to get into a life raft. Well it was a no brainier that because I didn't have a family that I would get kicked out. Why is that so? Just because I am not married and don't have kids doesn't mean my life is any less important than anyone else's. In fact, maybe I want to get married and have kids, it just hasn't happened yet; so that's something in life I haven't gotten to experience yet. So point is those people are racists... no, wait actually that isn't the point, the point is that... FUCK YOU BUNGIE!

Oh yeah here is that guy that blocked me in, it's a strange angle here but I couldn't get the camera out of the window as you can see in the next picture he is about two inches from my car so I had to tilt my camera to the side to even get this picture.


  1. Classic. I see this crap all the time! Entitled parents is a great name, and I have kids. And guess what, they call adults Mr. and Mrs./Ms. Even whent he adult says, my name is Bob, my kid says... I am supposed to call you by your last name. It's great to see the face on the adult!!!!!

  2. Don't you think people need to obtain licenses to have children? I mean you need a license to drive, you even need a license to catch a fuckin fish. Shouldn't it be required to get a license to determine if your an idiot or not before you start having punk as kids that are just like you but worse? Just my too sense....

  3. I was thinking maybe a branch of Social Services that just measures the calibur of the children and if they aren't up to snuff your "account gets flagged" and you have to be re-educated before you can have more. But I don't know how they would stop you, since common sense doesn't seem to stop them from reproducing. Maybe, just maybe, someday I will just go for the kid, take their ass to court, work up some tears. "And then when I was playing the Halo game, he said he was going to 'rape me' I was so scared for my life. And then later he went on to say that 'his Dad could kick my Dad's ass... I didn't want to see my family in danger..."
